A learning system for healthcare strategy EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES This year’s Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit has an impressive line up of keynote speakers who have influenced change in their organizations and inspired others in their cultural transformations. Can you match these speakers with their background? Check your answers If you are […]
Understanding Continuous Improvement and Innovation in Healthcare EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES We know that many of you have seen firsthand the impact that continuous improvement and innovation can have on a healthcare organization. At Catalysis we have visited more than 200 organizations in 19 countries and have seen these efforts make a difference […]
What Factors Affect the Successful Implementation of Lean in Healthcare? EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES “We are honored to represent the healthcare industry as an endorser of the Lean Certification program. Aligning and enabling healthcare providers to continuously improve the delivery of life-saving care is our mission and our life,” said Thomas Hartman, executive […]
Managing vision and purpose with strategic agility has never been more important for healthcare leaders in a turbulent and transforming industry. We know that our old mental models and systems for strategic planning are insufficient; yet in our early attempts to translate the lean-based system of hoshin planning into strategy deployment, the essence of strategy […]
Learn how an academic medical center is making the shift to a culture of continuous improvement. Cleveland Clinic is making the shift to engage 52,000 caregivers in a culture of continuous improvement on their journey to deliver safer, more efficient, and more compassionate care. Their goal is to achieve a culture in which every caregiver […]
NEWS RELEASE For More Information: Catalysis Sara Thompson 920-659-7461 sthompson@createvalue.org SME Public Relations Rick Crooks (313) 425 3186 rcrooks@sme.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Healthcare Education and Resource Provider Catalysis Joins Lean Certification Alliance (DEARBORN, Mich., April 11, 2018) ― The Lean Certification Alliance, a partnership of three leading nonprofit organizations (Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), the […]
NEWS RELEASE For More Information: Catalysis Sara Thompson 920-659-7461 sthompson@createvalue.org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CATALYSIS LAUNCHES NEW EUROPEAN CEO FORUM TO ENHANCE FOCUS ON LEAN HEALTHCARE TRANSFORMATION Healthcare Executives Throughout Europe Join CEO Forum to Learn, Share and Connect Around Lean Transformation APPLETON, WISC. – April 05, 2018 – Catalysis today announced the creation of a new […]
What happens when the President & CEO visits the gemba? EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES A lot of money has been spent on information technology in health care with little to show for it. When it comes to change, the technology is the easiest part. Most health systems in America have or are implementing the […]
What does good look like when it comes to patient care? EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES In order to transform the healthcare industry, it is imperative that we focus on three interdependent components: care delivery, payment models, and transparency. Payment transformation is a key element of healthcare improvement. The present payment system, which rewards […]
Is your organization prepared to thrive in a risk-based environment? EDUCATION EVENTS STORE NETWORKS RESOURCES The process used to build high-quality vehicles and the banking industry’s focus on customer service can, indeed, be adapted to healthcare in a way that improves operations, bolsters workplace culture, improves patient satisfaction, and lowers the cost of providing care. […]