A recent article on HBR written by Ken Segel and John Toussaint, MD, stated that before the COVID-19 pandemic struck the US health care industry suffered more than 550,000 work-related injuries or illnesses per year. This number is significantly greater than any other industry. Healthcare leaders can prevent work-related […]
Teams all over the world are now adjusting their huddles and works systems to meet their needs in a virtual environment. Jenn Christison, Senior Director – Improvement Strategy at Seattle Children’s, and her team have been experimenting with ways they can stay connected as a team and move the […]
Healthcare is in the midst of a massive disruption. With financial structures in tatters and the future uncertain, this is the moment to begin the revolution. But first, leaders need to learn how to support staff at all levels as they make transformational improvements in care. John Toussaint and […]
Dr. Toussaint and host Mark Graban discuss his reflections on his time learning from the late Paul O’Neill, the founder of Value Capture. What does “habitual excellence” mean to him? Why was Paul one of the first people John called when he launched his non-profit organization, Catalysis? Check out the podcast
By: Felicity Pino, Shelly Hammer, and John Toussaint, MD Many organizations have developed a daily management that includes stand-up huddles, a huddle board where key metrics are reviewed, and where staff ideas for improvement are captured. Some have also begun using daily status sheets where managers meet with front line staff to understand barriers to […]
Catalysis Healthcare Value Network member, Christie Clinic in Champaign, IL, used to see full waiting rooms as a sign of success, but the COVID-19 pandemic changed their perspective. They have put many process changes in place to limit exposure to the virus. Now their goal is to have empty […]
Frontline health care workers are at high risk of contracting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).1 Personal protective equipment (PPE), including N95 respirators (N95s), is essential for prevention of COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that health care workers dispose of N95s after a single patient […]
The COVID-19 pandemic turned many of our lives upside down and inside out, which highlighted the need for leaders to be able to help their staff by translating behavior and shifting thinking to help keep work environments positive for everyone. Today Kerri Burchill, Organizational Development Leader at Southern Illinois […]
Patient Volumes have not returned to normal in most health care organizations in the U.S. One of the main reasons is people are scared to go to the doctor’s office. We might get infected from workers, other patients, even doctors. To assure it’s safe look for the following four things. Is a drive through visit […]
Before Covid-19 pandemic struck, the U.S. health care industry suffered more than 550,000 work-related injuries and illnesses per year, or 150,000 more than any other industry in the country. Therefore, it is no surprise that health care workers have been harmed at tragic rates during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control […]