
Newsletter: Personal Experiences from Lean Healthcare Leaders

Posted on by CATALYSIS


This year’s Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit has an impressive line up of keynote speakers who have influenced change in their organizations and inspired others in their cultural transformations.
Can you match these speakers with their background?
If you are already registered for the Summit, make your hotel reservations soon. Our discounted rate expires May 21st.
Free Webinar: Patient-Centered Strategy
Join us and Jeff Hunter, author of Patient-Centered Strategy, on
May 22nd at 11 am CST.

Jeff will describe a learning system that results in better care. This system will help leaders:
  • make strategic choices
  • align strategic intent to the organization
  • deploy initiatives in a manner that accelerates learning
CHVN Highlight: Washington Health System
Unit 5A, also known as the Innovation Unit, at Washington Health System is an extraordinary example of a model cell. They started with a motto of “Think small, Dream big.”

The newly formed team spent three months team building and learning about lean tools and methodologies. Then, after a full year of “living” on their unit they we able to remodel to better suit the processes they had designed.

The Innovation Unit at Washington Health System has made many improvements to the work, some that have already been spread throughout the hospital. Here are a few:

  • Patient Status Board that allows them to see excessive care or missed care and be proactive rather than reactive
  • Changing the roles of the Nursing Assistant and Unit Secretary to a Care Partner
Because of the great work on this unit, they have the highest staff engagement of the hospital inpatient units and have achieved a
patient satisfaction score of 88.5%, which is in the 90th percentile.
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium is Next Month
Join others from around the country to exchange ideas and learn about the latest research on lean in healthcare at the CLEAR Lean Healthcare Research Symposium.
Please remember to take some time out of your day to help the IE Business School in Madrid, Spain gather data on innovation and lean in healthcare.
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100 W. Lawrence St. Suite 422
Appleton, WI 54911
© Catalysis 2018


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