Webinar – Patient-Centered Strategy: A Learning System for Better Care
Managing vision and purpose with strategic agility has never been more important for healthcare leaders in a turbulent and transforming industry. We know that our old mental models and systems for strategic planning are insufficient; yet in our early attempts to translate the lean-based system of hoshin planning into strategy deployment, the essence of strategy has been lost in translation. We struggle with making strategic choices, aligning strategic intent in the organization, and deploying initiatives in a manner that accelerates learning.
Patient-Centered Strategy is a learning system that results in better care. A subset of the lean management system, it builds the leadership team’s capability to identify and satisfy patients needs in a unique way and deploy that strategy with a process that increases focus, reduces overburden and delivers faster results.
Learning Objectives
- To understand the advantages of this Plan-Do-Study-Adjust strategic management system over the old strategic planning process.
- To understand the steps in the iterative process of developing and deploying strategy through rapid learning cycles.
- To gain a basic understanding of how the tools in this system work together within the system, so you can experiment at home.
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