Mount Sinai Morningside is a hospital in New York City. They have put a lot of standard work in place while learning on the fly as the surge of COVID-19 patients hits in New York. They would like to share what they have in hopes that it can help other healthcare organizations preparing for the […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed lives for everyone across the globe and has hit the healthcare industry hard. Our Catalysis Healthcare Value Network members have shared a lot of standard work and other information with us that can be helpful for hospitals all over the world. We are […]
The Covid-19 pandemic is pushing healthcare systems around the world to the limit and, despite the heroic effort of healthcare professionals, hard work is often not enough. The images coming from the most heavily affected areas tell us of Emergency Departments filled to the brim, hospitals struggling to treat everyone due to the very high […]
Over the past several weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged routines in all of our lives and has brought into focus the need for rapid change as we race to re-define and improve how we are delivering health care. At Mount Sinai Morningside (MSM), an urban community hospital in New York City and a member […]
The tiered daily huddles still occur as usual (same time, same people (with the caveat that every leader is responsible for having someone else ready to fill in if he/she is busy – that’s not new). The content has shifted to systematically include content around COVID – like # of “persons under investigation (pending COVID […]
Mercy St. Louis shares how their PI Team is helping in this time of crisis. A Vice President of Process Improvement and a Lean Specialist are managing the day-to-day process development, questions fielding, and workflow development for: • Workflow and criteria for COVID-19 testing for physicians and providers • Database and process for notifying physicians […]
MDmetrix is offering COVID-19 Mission Control to hospitals subscription-free nationwide. This works with your internal EMR, so some IT support would be necessary to get it in place. Dan Low, Chief Medical Officer and anesthesiologist as Seattle Children’s shared with us “We need help giving this away faster – before the storm hits full force.” […]
Presbyterian shared the flow and set up documents for a drive through test center. Flow Model Signage Needed #drivethroughtestcenter, #testingcenter
Here are some sources to obtain much needed PPE: 3M Emergency Hotline They prefer that you use email: You will need to include: your contact information, your hospital, what you are needing. They prefer that it comes from the health systems domain. If you have further questions, you can call: 651-733-2700 This is their […]
The Permanente Medical Group has set up an incident command center to provide structure and a framework for managing in a crisis situation. Their entire management system has shifted to COVID-19, including daily tiered huddles and stat exchanges. Here is their standard work: Incident Command Overview – Roles and Responsibilities Incident Command Standard Work Tiered […]