
Newsletter: No One Likes to Change but We All Like to Improve

Posted on by CATALYSIS


The 9th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit in Chicago, IL was a great success. We enjoyed learning, sharing, and connecting with healthcare leaders from around the world.
Here are a few key learnings from the week:
  • The executive team should be the coaches and teach new leaders.
  • The hardest thing about learning is unlearning.
  • No one likes to change but we all like to improve.
  • Culture eats strategy for breakfast…but middle management eats improvement for lunch.
  • You can’t just tell people “you are empowered,” you need to build capabilities.
  • You can’t manage a secret.
  • Even if you fail, you win because you’ve learned something.
  • We need a way to make sure we were all working on the same things.
Mark your calendars for the 10th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, June 13-14, 2019, in Washington, DC.
Develop Competencies to Support a Culture of Continuous Improvement
Save the date for our Fall Lean Leadership Series October 15-17.
Participants can choose from 8 different workshops to customize your experience.
The event will be hosted by Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD.
Sign up to receive updates about workshops and registration.
Attending an Executive Site Visit is a great way to gain deeper awareness of what it takes to transform an organization and what results can be achieved.
We offer visits at:
  • UMass Memorial Health Care
  • St. Mary’s General Hospital
  • Cleveland Clinic
Check out available dates, or schedule a private visit for your leadership team.
CHVN Highlight: Mount Sinai St. Luke’s
Mount Sinai St. Luke’s is a 300-bed hospital serving the Harlem and Morningside Heights communities of NYC.
They have approximately 100,000 ED visits annually and 12% of ED visits result in admission. The Emergency Department was consistently boarding 8-20 admitted patients daily, which can increase the opportunity for patient harm, frustrate staff, and negatively impact the patient experience.
A small, multidisciplinary kaizen team was tasked with reducing the time that patients wait in the ED for a bed to be ready. The team had to address many challenges including: limited visual management, multiple hand offs, variability in the process, work being performed in silos, and batching.
After each of these challenges was addressed Mount Sinai St. Luke’s was able to get the median time from bed request to bed ready down to 1 hour and 58 minutes from 3 hours and 45 minutes, a 42% reduction.
Learn from Globally Recognized Healthcare Leaders
Join us October 9-10 in Amsterdam for the 4th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit – Europe!
This is a great opportunity to hear from globally recognized healthcare leaders about their organizational and personal leadership challenges and successes. Choose from a selection of interactive learning sessions and pre-Summit workshops for MDs, beginners, advanced leaders, and practitioners as well as post-Summit hospital visits.
The early registration discount ends June 30th.
(920) 659-7500
100 W. Lawrence St. Suite 422
Appleton, WI 54911
© Catalysis 2018


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