While reporting on the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, journalist Steven Brill was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition that required heart surgery. “There I was: a reporter who had made hospital presidents and hospital executives and health care executives and insurance executives sweat because I asked them all kinds of questions about their salaries […]
In a recent article by Patricia Moody, she highlights how Seattle Children’s Hospital used “classic supply management, Japanese shop floor methods and 4P to save money, free up clinicians for more bedside care and build its new, smaller facility. That’s right, they got better and smaller!” Read the full article here.
For Immediate Release For more information contact: Nicole Singer nsinger@blmpr.com (414) 270-3000, ext. 231 CLINICAL BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE NETWORK ANNOUNCES NEW MEMBER Appleton, Wis. (Dec. 4, 2014) – The Clinical Business Intelligence Network (CBIN) is pleased to announce its newest member, Lee Memorial Health System, located in Southwest Florida. CBIN is a peer-to-peer learning community that […]
Doing the right thing for the health of a population – in this case improving the health of children with asthma – illustrates exactly why our healthcare system must change. David Bailey, a doctor and CEO of Healthcare Value Network member Nemours, shares his experience with an experiment that brought together a community and improved […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information contact: Nicole Singer nsinger@blmpr.com (414) 270-3000, ext. 231 Appleton, Wis. (Nov. 12, 2014) — Members of the Healthcare Value Network (HVN) released results of their latest healthcare improvement efforts in May and again in July, and now are continuing that commitment to transparency with their latest quarterly results on […]
A new article in the Harvard Business Review New England Journal of Medicine’s joint innovation website highlights Network members Salem Health and ThedaCare. These two organizations are leading the way in understanding how to develop and use Clinical Business Intelligence to improve care at the bedside. The article, written by John Toussaint, MD and Melissa Mannon, […]
Can a production system developed to make better, safer cars also make better, safer healthcare? A growing number of hospitals in Canada seem to think so — that’s why they have adopted the “Lean” production system. The province of Saskatchewan is so convinced, it’s bringing in ‘lean’ province-wide. Also known as”The Toyota Way” — the […]
For Immediate Release For more information contact: Nicole Singer nsinger@blmpr.com (414) 270-3000, ext. 231 Appleton, Wis. (Nov. 6, 2014) – The Healthcare Value Network (HVN) is pleased to announce its newest member, Hennepin County Medical Center, located in Minneapolis. The network unites healthcare leaders from approximately 60 other systems across North America that share a […]
Looking for a simple, visual way to better understand U.S. health care costs, and what efforts are underway to manage them? Take a look at the Commonwealth Fund’s illustrative presentation for an easy to comprehend explanation. Read about it here!
For Immediate Release For more information contact: Nicole Singer nsinger@blmpr.com (414) 270-3000, ext. 231 THEDACARE CENTER FOR HEALTHCARE VALUE WELCOMES THREE NEW BOARD MEMBERS Appleton, Wis. (Oct. 23, 2014) – The ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value is led by an independent board of healthcare thought-leaders from around the world, and is pleased to announce its […]