
Our Ongoing Commitment to Transform Healthcare

Posted on by CATALYSIS

In recent days and weeks, it has come to our attention that some hospital systems have elected to no longer pursue their lean management initiatives. Decisions like this are difficult to make, and most often occur when a new CEO is hired and chooses to implement a management system with which he or she has experience.

We’re always disappointed when an organization chooses to stop practicing lean. Lean healthcare methodologies continue to remain effective and central to the success of hundreds of hospital systems around the world. St. Mary’s General Hospital, Kitchener, Ontario; Seattle Children’s Hospital, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, and UMass Memorial Healthcare are four examples of organizations that have practiced lean for years with great success.

At Catalysis, we remain committed to helping healthcare organizations and leaders understand the benefits of lean management. Those who belong to the Catalysis Healthcare Value Network, an ever-growing group of healthcare leaders who collaborate and share best practices, are perfect examples of just how effective lean can be in engaging with staff at all levels, operating more efficiently, improving patient outcomes and making lasting change that reduces the cost of care.

As with any operation, small or large, lean requires shared commitment from leadership in order to work effectively. Catalysis will continue to help organizations design and implement effective lean systems, provide thought leadership, share knowledge and build a community of leaders and organizations in order to create meaningful system change.

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