By John S. Toussaint, MD, and Montgomery “Monk” Elmer, MD The spread of “best practices” is important in today’s rapidly evolving health care landscape where quality and outcomes matter more than ever. However, spread can be incredibly difficult to achieve. One of us (Dr. Toussaint) has visited and observed 174 health care systems in 17 countries. Almost every one of these […]
From Harvard Business Review by Ted Toussaint, Karen DaSilva, John S. Toussaint December 13, 2016 Republican control of the White House and Congress won’t change the U.S. health care’s movement away from the traditional fee-for-service system to one that is based on value, paying providers on the basis of the quality of outcomes achieved for the money […]
A new scientific research article from the Journal of Hospital Administration is now available. “Breadth vs. depth: How to start deploying the daily management system for your lean transformation,” written by Dala Taher, Sylvain Landry, and Dr. John Toussaint. Download the article here.
Dr. Toussaint, in this Harvard Business Review article, outlines the important features of the Affordable Care Act and what should be kept. He discusses the root cause of the cost problem in American healthcare and options to deal with it. Finally, there is a call to action to redesign care around the patient, change the […]
In this new post in the UK Improvement Alliance blog, John Toussaint, MD, describes how collaborative learning and the ability to go see what good looks like, is the foundation of the Healthcare Value Network. Read full article here.
In the recently published AME magazine Target, Dr. John Toussaint talks about how seven different health systems have used innovative thinking to make major improvements to patient care. Download the article here.
Change Without Fear Spreading a Model Cell to Improve Health Care By John Toussaint, M.D. The CEO of ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value explores a model for spreading change throughout an organization.
Originally published at Science Direct. To obtain a copy of this article, click here: By John Toussaint, MD Healthcare is steeped in the scientific method tradition. Placebo controlled double blinded studies are front and center of evidenced based medicine. But research has lagged far behind in management science. Very little evidence exists for the […]
John Toussaint, MD, published this article in the NEJM online journal Catalyst describing the lean management system. The article explains how the management system supports front line workers, including physicians, to identify and solve problems every day. This management system is in contrast to an opinion piece in the NEJM in January that described the Toyota Production […]
By: Denis Cortese, John Toussaint, David Krueger, and Robert Smoldt as posted at the Health Affairs Blog. May 24, 2016 The concept of value-based health care is rapidly gaining traction in the U.S., yet implementation remains a significant challenge. For example, the current Medicare “shared savings” payment approach penalizes high-value providers, while rewarding historical inefficiency. Read the full article […]