
In Remembrance of Former Board Member Michael Sachs

Michael Sachs

Michael Sachs

Our dear friend and former Catalysis board member Michael Sachs passed away last weekend.

At the Catalysis board meeting yesterday we recognized him and his contribution not only to our organization but to the broader healthcare world. Michael inspired us by doing important things. Founding the original hospital database, which we now know as Truven, which almost everyone in healthcare who works with CMS is touched by everyday. Founding SG2, an organization many of us have worked with, to help develop our strategy, making our organizations stronger and more competitive. There were many other companies he was involved with beyond these two. He was truly dedicated to making all of healthcare better and consulted all over the world to attain his vision of the best healthcare for everyone.

He was someone I could always rely on to have a thoughtful comment about the problems we were facing. A confidante, really, of which there are so few in the world.

Thank you, Michael, for what you have given to all of us. You will never be forgotten.

John Toussaint, MD

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