
Experience firsthand what a mature management system, built on the foundation of organizational excellence, looks like in a healthcare organization through our site visits. 

UMass Memorial Health Site Visit

UMass Memorial Health recognized the role of supporting teams in operations by creating a framework to ensure a culture of continuous improvement.  Through intentional integration of data teams with their improvement team, along with their project management and training program, they have built a collaborative system for continued evolution and sustaining the gains.   

Learn how UMass Memorial Health ensured its future by transforming its culture and operations from the inside out in our white paper.

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ZSFG Executive Site Visit

See​ ​how​ Zuckerberg San Francisco General achieved​ the ​practice​ of​ ideal​ behaviors ​from​ the ​senior ​leadership ​team​ down ​to ​the ​front​ lines. Participants will experience how the Senior Leadership Team visually manages the priorities of ZSFG as well as spend time in the gemba learning how staff and physicians partner to deliver value to their patients.

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OhioHealth Executive Site Visit

Experience gemba with the OhioHealth leadership team, see their standards and how they connect to the front line. In addition, participants will observe OhioHealth’s tiered huddle system, with tight communications, and its link to the daily improvement system.

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Custom Site Visit

Interested in a site visit just for your team? We also schedule custom site visits where we will work with you and the site to create an experience catered to your organization’s needs. Fill out the form for more information.