
Physician Lean Leader Forum

Physician Leaders

The Forum is an invitation-only series for physicians who also have a leadership role in healthcare transformation. While physician leader titles may vary, this forum is for leaders who are seeking to understand their roles, their scope of influence, and the mindset, skillset and toolset required for successful and sustainable lean transformation.  The curriculum is a balance of individual work and self-discovery, interpersonal skills practice and team development and support.  It is an ongoing network in which physician leaders can learn, share and connect in a safe environment which they are co-creating.

The Forum is anchored in the belief that transformation starts with the leader, and that lean is both a personal and an organizational transformation. Through the work of our CEO Forum, we have identified crucial leadership behaviors and competencies which are necessary to lead a successful and sustainable transformation.  Physician leaders have a vital perspective in healthcare transformation, and this forum is intended to cultivate and support this perspective and the behaviors needed to accelerate organizational and industry change.

As a part of the Forum, participants will conduct a self-assessment in which key leadership behaviors are rated. Participants create personal A3s, which are updated and discussed each time the cohort meets. The intention is that all leaders will identify and trial transformational experiments around their own behavior to work on between sessions. In addition, content around leadership development and leadership style will be explored and developed with participants.

Our faculty includes Dr. John Toussaint, Dr. Elizabeth Warner and other experts in the field of lean and organizational change.

The Physician Lean Leader Forum will meet twice a year.  Complete information about continuing education credits for nurses and ACHE members will be available soon.

For more information, contact Rachel Regan,