
Principles and Behaviors of Organizational Excellence

Are your improvement efforts yielding short-term gains?  Has your journey been all about the tools? In this learning session, participants will explore two architectural methods for improvement: 1. Tool-based architecture, and 2. Principle-based architecture. Both are necessary in the evolution of culture. Few organizations build on what they have previously learned – that tools alone are not enough, that people need to understand the “WHY” behind the “HOW,” or the “principle-based architecture” behind a lean transformation. 

You will discover the key concepts behind The Shingo Model TM, which has guided lean transformations in many industries for more than 25 years and is now being applied in healthcare. During this program, participants will learn how other healthcare organizations are making this transition. Learn practical methods and a framework to accelerate to world-class organization performance and organizational excellence through the appropriate application of lean principles, systems, and tools. You will also understand why lean transformations are about more than the application of tools – they are about transforming the culture.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the difference between principle-based and tool-based organizational evolution
  • Define the principles of organizational excellence
  • Discuss the models for acceleration and sustainability of organizational evolution
  • Apply the principles of organizational excellence to your leadership behaviors
  • Explore a methodology for building principle-based systems

Schedule:  1-day (8:00am – 4:00pm) or virtual classroom experience across two 3-hour sessions

Pre-reading:  None

Recommended Reading: Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Healthcare by John Toussaint, MD and Kim Barnas

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None

Target Audience: Clinical and nonclinical leaders across the healthcare industry, including physicians, nurses, and healthcare executives

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