
Planning Session – True North Definition

Can your team members articulate the most important goals for the organization? How do you ensure that process improvement efforts in the organization are helping you meet important goals?

Achieving a culture of continuous improvement that leads to high performance requires that everyone in the organization has clarity around what matters to the organization. True North measures are a handful of metrics that describe the health of the organization and guide decisions at all levels. During this two-day session, held onsite for a specific organization, executive team members determine the key dimensions of measurement and associated performance indicators for the organization or business unit they are responsible for. Through facilitated discussions the team arrives at a set of dimensions and measures, their definition, and targets. The resulting indicators are used to build the first portion of the x-matrix for their organizational level. This tool allows the visualization of how all the work of the organizations aligns with and impacts True North and what resources are consumed in the process, as well as a tool for Strategy Deployment.

At the end of the session, participants will have developed the following:

  • True North dimensions
  • True North metrics and associated definition and targets
  • An action plan for next steps

Schedule: 2-days (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Pre-reading: Management on the Mend: The Healthcare Executive Guide to System Transformation by John Toussaint, MD

Recommended Reading: Beyond Heroes: A Lean Management System for Healthcare by Kim Barnas and Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Healthcare by John Toussaint, MD and Kim Barnas

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: Principles and Behaviors of Organizational Excellence

Who Should Attend: Senior leadership team

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