
Planning Session – Strategic Filter and Deselection

Are your managers and frontline teams feeling overwhelmed while they try to balance their daily work of taking care of patients with initiatives coming down from senior leadership? Is your organization meeting its stated goals?

During challenging times, it is tempting to attempt to multiply organization-wide efforts. However, attempting to accomplish too much at once can be counterproductive, resulting in reduced focus and overburden for employees. This two-day session, held onsite for your organization, follows the True North Definition planning session or builds on existing work to define True North metrics. During the course executive team members develop and utilize a ranking system to prioritize all current system-wide actions they have generated.  Each action is placed on the x-matrix, pre-populated with True North metrics and the organization’s strategic initiatives. The x-matrix allows for the visual representation of the relationship between True North, breakthrough strategic initiatives, organization-wide actions, and system resources, and serves as a visual management tool for Strategy Deployment.

At the end of the session, participants will have developed the following:

  • A strategic filter instrument.
  • An x-matrix visual depicting True North, strategic initiatives, organization-wide actions, and required resources to complete them.
  • An action plan for next steps.

Schedule: 2-days (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Pre-reading: Management on the Mend: The Healthcare Executive Guide to System Transformation by John Toussaint, MD

Recommended Reading: Beyond Heroes: A Lean Management System for Healthcare by Kim Barnas and Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Healthcare by John Toussaint, MD and Kim Barnas

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: Planning Session – True North Definition, Principles and Behaviors of Organizational Excellence

Who Should Attend: Senior leadership team

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