Executive Site Visit
Are you starting or restarting your improvement journey? Do you know what you want to achieve in this transformation? Is there a clear vision of what your organization should look like? Our experience has taught us that one of the leadership practices fundamental to initiating and sustaining a lean transformation is to "go and see" what good looks like.
Results can be achieved by any means necessary. But in an organization that practices continuous improvement, these means are anchored on the principles for operational excellence. Moreover, the practice of behaviors aligned with principles must start with senior leadership. We call these ideal behaviors, and as a leader you must first model the way. See for yourself how organizations achieve the practice of ideal behaviors from the senior leadership team down to the front lines. Participants will experience how the Senior Leadership Team visually manages the priorities of the organization as well as spend time in the gemba learning how staff and physicians partner to deliver value to their patients.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe the role and behaviors required of a senior executive in leading a lean healthcare organization.
- Explain the host organization’s successes, and failures, to address the most challenging issues leaders face on the transformation journey.
- Discuss how aligning the organizations culture around the guiding principles sustains improvement beyond the "tools.”
- Create a work environment focused on developing people to identify and solve problems daily.
Schedule: 1-day (8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Pre-reading: None
Recommended Reading: Management on the Mend: The Healthcare Executive Guide to System Transformation by John Toussaint, MD
Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None
Who Should Attend: Clinical and nonclinical leaders across the healthcare industry