
The Lean Management System Modular Implementation Program

Has your organization mastered project-based improvement but is challenged to unleash the full creative powers of your employees? Are you struggling to sustain the achievements of early adopters?

A lean management system allows organizations to align its work to True North goals by enabling the translation of goals for each level of management as well as the dialogue and problem solving necessary to achieve results. Catalysis has developed an implementation approach for a lean management system that has been utilized at over 40 healthcare organizations in the United States and Canada.  This approach includes selecting two model business units in which all levels of leadership are committed to the following: participating in the training required, experimenting with a completely new way of allocating their time and the work of the units, and addressing the barriers that present during the change process. The four-module program is brought to your organization, and each module is focused on teaching and practicing selected elements of the system.  Experienced internal or external lean coaches provide on-site support in between modules to cement the learning and provide implementation and adaptation guidance.

At the end of this program, participating leaders will be able to:

  • Transition from project teams conducting improvement programs to frontline staff solving problems every day
  • Sustain the performance to standards for key work systems
  • Increase engagement of frontline staff and the understanding of how their daily improvements link to the breakthrough goals of the organization
  • Create a tailored management system and a spread plan to other units and departments

Schedule: Module 1 (2-days, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm); Module 2 (1-day, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm); Module 3 (1-day, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm); Module 4 (1.5-days, Day 1, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and Day 2, 8:00 am – 11:30 am)

Pre-reading:   Beyond Heroes: A Lean Management System for Healthcare by Kim Barnas [This book will be provided to participants.]

Recommended Reading: None

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: A3 Thinking, Coaching for Improvement

Who Should Attend: Clinical and nonclinical leaders in model business units

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